Monday, 17 September 2012

Has it really been that long?

Have I really not posted since February? Has it really been that long? 

Sorry, my lovely readers (no matter how few of you there are).

Anyway, the posts should be coming thick and fast now (you'd hope so anyway) as I'm off to the University of Warwick on the 29th to study French and Italian (how exciting). 

Perhaps, then, I'll start posting Italian culture related stuff as well. Probably including some love for "Cinema Paradiso" because it's such a beautiful film. Also, in a year's time I'll be off to Italy for my 2nd year, so I'll probably have to post Italian stuff or my blog will be neglected even more than it has been recently. 

So what have I been up to recently? I'm 18, finally, and my very good friend Kendra was kind enough to get me some books for my birthday, including "La Belle et la Bête", which I am very excited to read. I did my exams, and got an A in French, which I was very pleased with. This summer has possibly been the best of my life, I've met lots of new people including some of the people I'll go to uni with. I can't wait until I actually go, but I wouldn't expect any posts during freshers week. 

Anyway, here I am, with half my friends already at uni, in my pj's, watching "La Môme" for probably the 100th time with a cup of tea and a ham and cheese toastie. Life's good. 

Thursday, 2 February 2012

La Chandeleur

Today is the 2nd February in case you didn't already know and today in France they celebrate La Chandeleur (Candlemas). Céline, the French assistant at my school told me about this, and I'm glad she did because it gave me an excuse to eat crêpes, apart from anything else! Anyway, I did a bit of research and actually found out some really interesting stuff.

La Chandeleur celebrates the presentation of baby Jesus and the purification of the Virgin Mary. It is celebrated in this country (Candlemas, as I've already said), but it's more of a religious thing. Céline told me that in France lots of people celebrate it not just as a religious occasion. 

It is tradition to eat crêpes on the day of La Chandeleur, and to predict the future whilst making them as well! You are supposed to hold a coin or piece of gold in one hand and flip the crêpe with the other. If you manage to catch it, you and your family will be prosperous for the rest of the year! 

I decided to have a go at making crêpes to (sort of) celebrate La Chandeleur. Unfortunately, I had an English essay on Macbeth to do which I didn't finish until late so it was a little rushed, and my parents didn't feel like eating them, but me and my brother enjoyed them!

I managed to catch mine... but I didn't have a gold coin :( hopefully it still works!

Mmmm yum :) 

My brother George managed to catch his as well
This is the recipe I used. It was very yummy! 


Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Édith Piaf Song Of The Moment

Just a quick post about Édith Piaf and the song I've been listening to a lot recently. 

If, like me, you're feeling fed up of winter and can't wait for spring, listen to this. It makes me think of strolling round Paris in the sunshine.

Hope that has cheered you up (it certainly cheered me up). 

P.S. I'll be posting two film reviews in the next few days. 

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Paris, Je T'aime Pictures

14e Arrondissement


Faubourg Saint-Denis

Le Marais

Loin du 16e

Parc Monceau



Place des Fetes

Place des Victoires

Porte de Choisy

Quais de Seine

Quartier de la Madeleine

Quartier des Enfants Rouges

Quartier Latin



Tour Eiffel
Here's the trailer!


Film Review #11- Paris, Je T'aime

Hello, and happy 2012 to all my lovely readers! One of my resolutions this year is to post more on here. I'm hoping to focus on film reviews, although I will be putting up other things, like music and book reviews (I'm hoping to FINALLY post my review of Jean de Florette and Manon des Sources soon). 

Anyway, I'll start as I mean to go on with my eleventh film review. My friend Kendra leant this DVD to me (thanks Kendra!) and when I read the back of the box, I was immediately intrigued. In case you don't know, "Paris, Je T'aime" is a film consisting of eighteen short films all on the theme of love in Paris. I was originally going to write a eighteen separate short reviews for each film, but I decided against it as, in my opinion, one of the great things about the film was the fact that at the end of each part, you get excited about what the next part is going to be about. 
Another thing I loved about it was that each segment was directed by a different director, so they all had a slightly different feel to them (this was more apparent in some of the more "odd" sections of the film). What I found really interesting was that each director had several guidelines that they had to keep to- each short film had to be around five minutes long and had to be shot in one area of Paris (each mini film is named after the area it was filmed in) in only two days. The fact that the film covered 18 different areas of Paris made me feel like I really knew the city by the end of it, yet at the same time, the fact that it dealt with individual stories in each different area kept it intimate. I've never seen a film before that has managed to do this. It was unique! Also, before I watched it, I expected that it would get boring and that only five minutes wouldn't be long enough for the audience to connect with the characters or for the individual stories to develop. I was wrong, though, each story was filmed so that it was captivating from the very beginning. It baffles me how talented each directer must be to achieve this.

As I said earlier, I'm not going to tell you about every segment of the film (although I will post photos from each part later), however, I will write a little on the parts that made the biggest impression on me.

Firstly, the part entitled "Parc Monceau" was one of my favourites- it was very simple but cleverly filmed and written. At first, it seemed (to me, at least) to be about a young married woman who is tied down by her husband and is having an affair with an older man. They walk down the street in the evening and she complains that if her "husband" wakes up and she's not there, he will be angry. However, it turns out that her "husband" is actually her baby son, who she is leaving with her dad, the older man, in order to go out for the evening with her partner. 

There were also three segments that I found really interesting, not necessarily because I enjoyed them the most, but just because the way they were filmed were so different to the others. The first, called "Porte de Choisy" seemed to be about a man trying to sell hair products especially designed for Asian hair (I couldn't say for sure though, it was a bit confusing), the second, called "Quartier de la Madeleine" was about a young man wandering through the streets of Paris at night when he comes across, and falls in love with, a vampire (yes, a vampire). The third was called "Tour Eiffel", and was about two mimes (of course) who meet in prison and fall in love, and who have a strangely normal-looking (and incredibly adorable) little boy. 

However, I think the most memorable of all eighteen films was the last one, "14e arrondissement". This was about a middle aged American woman visiting Paris for the first time, on her own. She narrates the film in a bad French accent (we find out that she is reading out something she has written about her trip to her French class), which makes it very personal- you can really feel her pain when she asks a shop assistant (in French) where a good restaurant is, and she replies (in English) "Sure! You like Chinese food?". There's a special feeling to this part of the film- it makes it really quite beautiful. The last few lines of it, I think, summarise the entire film, and the feeling that I have gotten when I've visited Paris in the past: 
"Sitting there, alone in a foreign country, far from my job and everyone I know, a feeling came over me. It was like remembering something I'd never known before or had always been waiting for, but I didn't know what. Maybe it was something I'd forgotten or something I've been missing all my life. All I can say is that I felt, at the same time, joy and sadness. But not too much sadness, because I felt alive. Yes, alive. That was the moment I fell in love with Paris. And I felt Paris fall in love with me."
I think I'll end it there. I really hope you watch this, it's brilliant. Overall,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 
I'll put the pictures on another post (I can't seem to fit them on this one!)
