Thursday, 2 February 2012

La Chandeleur

Today is the 2nd February in case you didn't already know and today in France they celebrate La Chandeleur (Candlemas). Céline, the French assistant at my school told me about this, and I'm glad she did because it gave me an excuse to eat crêpes, apart from anything else! Anyway, I did a bit of research and actually found out some really interesting stuff.

La Chandeleur celebrates the presentation of baby Jesus and the purification of the Virgin Mary. It is celebrated in this country (Candlemas, as I've already said), but it's more of a religious thing. Céline told me that in France lots of people celebrate it not just as a religious occasion. 

It is tradition to eat crêpes on the day of La Chandeleur, and to predict the future whilst making them as well! You are supposed to hold a coin or piece of gold in one hand and flip the crêpe with the other. If you manage to catch it, you and your family will be prosperous for the rest of the year! 

I decided to have a go at making crêpes to (sort of) celebrate La Chandeleur. Unfortunately, I had an English essay on Macbeth to do which I didn't finish until late so it was a little rushed, and my parents didn't feel like eating them, but me and my brother enjoyed them!

I managed to catch mine... but I didn't have a gold coin :( hopefully it still works!

Mmmm yum :) 

My brother George managed to catch his as well
This is the recipe I used. It was very yummy! 


Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Édith Piaf Song Of The Moment

Just a quick post about Édith Piaf and the song I've been listening to a lot recently. 

If, like me, you're feeling fed up of winter and can't wait for spring, listen to this. It makes me think of strolling round Paris in the sunshine.

Hope that has cheered you up (it certainly cheered me up). 

P.S. I'll be posting two film reviews in the next few days.