Sunday, 24 July 2011

Just A Little Update...

Summer is (finally) here so expect a lot more posts from me in the next few months. There's so much I want to blog about, I'm sure I won't write about it all but I'll try to do as much as I can! I thought I'd just write a short(ish) update about what's going to be happening with this blog over the summer.

Firstly, I have some exciting news! My family and I have booked a holiday to the Dordogne this August (from the 20th to the 27th- my birthday)! I'm planning on doing a daily vlog (video blog) about what I do, see, eat, discover, etc. each day. I'll make a Youtube account at some point which I'll use to upload all the videos, then I'll put links on here.This will be easier than doing a writing post as I won't have my laptop, so I won't be able to remember everything when I get home.

I'm also gonna do some reading up on this départment so I know a bit more about the culture before I go. So, expect some Dordogne-related posts very soon!

Speaking of vlogs, I'm also planning on trying out some French recipes, and filming it, as well as my family's reactions to the food.

I've also notice that my blog lacks something: book reviews. There are so many novels I want to read this summer, so they will start to appear very soon. I'm currently reading 'La Peste' by Camus, and I'll review it as soon as I finish.

Finally, I read a very interesting article in the 'Review' section of the Guardian this morning (it wasn't from the latest one, it was in the one from 2nd July), about the poet Arthur Rimbaud. It sold me; I have persuaded my mum to buy the book for me ('Illuminations'). Two quotations from the article really stood out for me: "The swarm of golden leaves buzzes around the general's house", and "I gaze for a long time at the melancholy gold laundry of the setting sun". It's so magical; it's like a fairytale. According to the article, it's also Gothic-style, which is a huge plus as I'm studying Gothic novels next year in English. Anyway, I think I'll write something about Rimbaud soon, maybe once I've read the book.

Watch this space!

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